Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Early Morning Walks

This week I'm slightly out of my element - my first summer off from teaching Extended School Year (ESY) has freed up my schedule and allowed me to do a number of things I haven't been able to do in ages. Namely - visit with my grandmother in South Carolina.  

For those who don't already know, my grandmother is currently fighting the good fight against my least favorite foe - cancer.  Factor in a few recent bouts with pneumonia and the usual accompaniments - BLAH. I spent many a summer with my grandparents and even my first semester of college living with them, so to say that we're close would be an understatement.

The sun just peeking out as we left.
My grandmother was still recovering from her second bout with pneumonia during our beach trip last month, so it has been wonderful to visit with her this past week and see her up and moving around more.  We've spent much of this week visiting, helping her clean house and just enjoying our time together.  
Attempting to hydrate pre-workout with nuun

Mom and Hollie leading the way!
With the high temperatures and humidity, we spend most of our time inside - it's easier on her lungs and my sweat glands. I'm not a pretty, pretty princess in this sticky, sticky heat.  That also translates into early morning workouts - 6:00 AM whereas at home, you'll find me out and about between the hours of 8 and 10 AM. 

3.5 miles complete! (6.3 with the day's shopping)
With 16 weeks left until the City of Oaks Marathon, I've begun my training - slowly working to build my running up from 3-mile average runs to the eventual 26.2. I'm still nervous and horrified beyond belief, but hopeful and focused on continually moving. I'm not as accustomed to this climate and my body has been fighting against me these last couple days. One of the hardest things I've learned in my running thus far - LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. So - I've been focused on building mileage through long brisk walks joined by my mom and my grandparents' favorite blonde, Hollie. 

Tired as a dog - LITERALLY!
This morning's walk ended with a wonderful breeze during the last mile - with 77 degrees a reprieve from the 99+ temps during the day.  My goal tomorrow is to get in at least 2-3 miles at a comfortable pace without feeling dogged.  
Enjoying a post workout coffee - LOVE.
How do you train for races in non-familiar climates? Do you stick with an indoor regimen courtesy of a treadmill or face the weather head on?

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